Ganxiang Yang


Photoed at Tokyo, July 2024

Hi! I am Ganxiang Yang (杨淦翔), a first-year Ph.D. student at Columbia University, advised by Assoc. Prof. Ronghui Gu. My research interests lie in the automation of system verification and its scalability.

Previously, I received my Bachelor of Engineering degree at ACM Class, Shanghai Jiao Tong University (SJTU). It’s been a pleasure living and studying with my talented and diligent classmates, from whom I’ve learned a lot.

In my undergraduate life, I was fortunate to work with Asst. Prof. Guoxing Chen at NSEC Lab and Assoc. Prof. Xinyu Xing at Northwestern University.


  1. NDSS 2025
    A Formal Approach to Multi-Layered Privileges for Enclaves
  2. USENIX 2024
    ShadowBound: Efficient Heap Memory Protection Through Advanced Metadata Management and Customized Compiler Optimization